Are you expanding or starting a new business?

Would you like to have a domain name that gives you a professional image and positions you for the greatest success and impact?

AVAILABLE: Premium Domain Names for Sale

Instantly Position your business as the industry leader for heating, cooling and gas in Australia with these 3 premium domain names! 

It’s not often that premium domain names like GAS.COM.AU , HEATING.COM.AU and COOLING.COM.AU become available and it is even rarer that an opportunity comes along where you can purchase all 3 domains together as a package.

With these 3 premium domain names, you are well-positioned to rapidly accelerate your business growth. Your website will also be well-positioned to organically climb higher on Google.

You might choose to move your current website over to the new domain names or you might choose to keep your current site where it is and widen your net by having additional lead generation websites on all three of these domains.

Perhaps you will use it as a portal for other providers to pay a monthly subscription and list their business or products and to access your resources? The possibilities are endless with domains like these.

How much will these domain names sell for?

To place an offer or to discuss this opportunity, please contact us via the below form, or call the number at the bottom of this page.  


Online Enquiries - Buy and Sell

Local Domain Brokers is owned by Heath Sikkema, who is based in Perth, Western Australia. Having been heavily involved in online marketing and the web design industry for more than 13 years, Heath has bought and sold a lot of domain names and has seen the difference that owning premium domain names has made to many of his clients and their businesses. He works to provide the best opportunities and deals for his clients in the domain brokering space. If you have a domain name that you are considering selling, or would like to buy, please contact Local Domain Brokers today.

Have you found a .com or domain name that you would like to purchase or sell? Contact Heath today.